Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tribute to Mami

So, mom left yesterday to Utah to go to Italy with Jenny, and Abuelita Corazon. They are headed for Italy tomorrow and they will be gone for 3 weeks! I really don't know what I'm going to do without my mom here with us for that long. It's times like these though that you really remember to appreciate your parents for all they do, and for the love they show for you. I know I'm going to miss her, but the time she'll be able to spend with Tias Susana, Marita, and Kerly (who she hasn't seen in 11 years!!!) will be well worth the time we are apart. I cannot possibly imagine being apart from my siblings for 2 years (in Matthew's case) let alone 11 years! Love you Mami and can't wait until you get home and have stories to tell about your trip!

Priscilla and Blaine

Priscilla De La Vega and Blaine Davis were married in the Las Vegas Temple August 8th, 2009!!! Yay! I'm so happy for them both. I've known Priscilla for a number of years now since she and her family became members of the church and joined the ward family. The reception was absolutely beautiful and there were many friends and family members there to join in on the celebration! Priscilla was stunning and I wish them both many happy days ahead. Here are a few pix from the happy day. :) Congrats Blaine and Priscilla Davis!